KOZAN Tanifuji The 9th Shakulute Concert in JRY
Click here to see the photos of the concert or here to see more photos
Photo by Brett Hufziger
(VIP Guide Miami) MARC BERNER from Miami, Florida, USA as a special guest
□ Hall: KamiYubetsu-cho Hometown Museum
JRY "Media Theater"
□ Date:May 11th(Thur.)18:00 open 18:30 start
□ Promoter: Tanifuji Kozan-kai
□ Entrance fee :\1500(\2000 on the day)
150 seats limited
1.Kozan Solo: "A Talk with One-legged Gateway"(comp. by Kozan)
Kata-ashi torii tono katarai )
2.Duet with Biwa:Newest comp. "Snow Fairy Fantasy"(comp. by Kozan)
( Yuki-onna genso
biwa : Tazuko Tanifuji shakulute : Kozan Tanifuji
3.Alto Shakulute Solo :"Improvisation & Blues"
"You Must Believe in Spring"(comp. by Michel Legrand)
alto shakulute: Marc Berner
4.Marc & Kozan Duet : "Summertime"(comp. by G. Gershwin
arr. by R. Nakagawa)
"Yesterday Once More"( by R. Carpenter & J. Bettis)
soprano shakulute & guitar : Kozan Tanifuji
soprano & alto shakulute :Marc Berner
5.Duet with Koto: "Song of Wind"(comp. by Tadao Sawai)
( kaze no uta )
koto :Kanae Ochi shakulute : Kozan
6.Shakulute Trio : "Tennessee Waltz"by P.W. King,
"You are My Sunshine."by C. Mitchell
"Eternally" by Ch. Chaplin.
(arr. by R. Nakagawa & K. Tanifuji)
soprano shakulute : Kosetsu Hirotoshi Umeda & Kozan Tanifuji
alto shakulute : Marc Berner
7.Duet with Jushichi-gen koto: "An Elegy"(comp. by Katsuhiko Yoshizaki)
( aika )
jushichi-gen : Kanae Ochi shakulute : Kozan Tanifuji
★ Introduction : Supporting Guests★
2005 NFA in San Diego 2004 International Shakuhachi Festival
Marc Berner(left) in New York Tazuko Tanifuji
Back:left-Monty Levenson (shkulute & shakuhachi maker)
right-David Straubinger(Flute & flute pad maker)
2005 Ankara, Turkey 2005 Kitami Art-Culture Hall Lobby Concert
Japan-Turkey Culture Exchange Center: Kanae Ochi :Hirotoshi Kohsetsu Umeda(left)
〜 Introduction : Cooperators with Shakulute
birth & spread 〜
National Flute Association 2005 Convention in San Diego NFA 2005
Convention in San Diego
Invitaton Performance Monty Levenson(right)'s Shakuhachi Booth
Convention Center:Legency Ball Room Shakuhachi & Shakulute Quartet
John Kaizan Neptune(left) Masayo Norikura(center) with Marc Berner
& John Kaizan Neptune
Please look at the pictures of All cast at Jazz Live House "Dizzy's" in San Diego.